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Human Resources

One of the highest Elper's market growing and competitive differentials is connected to the importance of each person of our team, its motivation, skills and competences. It makes a real TEAM , and together we can build an innovative and success company.

Always thinking of maximizing the talents of our TEAM, ELPER develops internal actions focused on trainings, incentive programs, benefits and internal improvement, looking for appreciation, development and acknowledgement of our team.


Aiming capacity and human competences development, ELPER company annually develops the training strategic plan, to provide the team the opportunity to acquire new knowledgement, skills and competences that are necessary to their personal and professional development, besides achieving excelence at their performances at work.

Training and Development


Benefits program

ELPER is a company that is worried about offering better conditions and quality life to the team, for this reason we care about motivation and welfare of each person of the team, thus offer to them a wide program with benefits and agreements with drugstores, labs, dentists, schools, sports and leasure, etc.

We believe that each person in our team always need to enjoy and feel confortable to develop their activities with excelence, that is why  our benefits program was created, to improve and incentivate the work environment, as well as the health care of each person of our TEAM.

Our benefits are also targeted to the meritocracy valorization method, either by individual programs or as a TEAM.


Welfare Program!

The Welfare Program faces the work environment improvements, space and integration between each person of our TEAM. The main objective is to provide better conditions at work and improve the motivation to all the TEAM.


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